Create Shot

Version 4.6

Flame 2022 and later

Create custom shot batch groups/desktops/media panel folders/file system folders w/plate export

Install through Logik Portal or to manually install download here: Logik Portal Dropbox.

When manually installing from Dropbox download the entire folder in the desired version folder of the script to be installed. That folder should then be moved into /opt/Autodesk/shared/python.

Older versions of this script for older versions of Flame are also available through the Dropbox link.

Shots can be created from selected clips in the Media Panel, Media Hub, or Timeline by right-clicking on selected clips.

Shots will be created based on settings set in the current project Create Shot preset.

To create shot folders only without selecting any clips, right click in either the Media Panel or Media Hub -> Create Shots… -> Folders

To create shots that don’t follow the settings set in the current project Create Shot preset, right-click on selected clips -> Create Shots -> Custom Shots

To creates presets that can be applied to all projects or individual projects go to Flame Main Menu -> pyFlame -> Create Shot Setup

Create Shot Folders Window

Create Custom Shots Window

Create Shot - Setup


Create Shot - Preset Window


New: Create new preset

Edit: Edit selected preset

Delete: Delete selected preset

Duplicate: Duplicate selected preset

Save: Save selected preset as preset to be used with current project.

Preset: Shows preset set for current project. Presets with * next to the name is the preset set as the Global Default preset. By default this preset will be used for all projects unless another preset is selected here and then saved.


Create Shot - Setup - Preset Tab

Create Shot - Preset Setup - Preset

Preset Name: Name for preset

Global Default: Set current preset as the Global Default. Enabling this will cause the current preset to be used by all Flame projects as the default setting for Uber Save. This can only be changed if there is more than one preset saved.

Shot Name From: This will tell the script how the Shot Name token should be used. There are two options. Shot Name and Clip Name. Using Shot Name, the script will either use the shot name assinged to a clip or attempt to get the shot name from the clip name. For instance it will assume the shot name for a clip named PYT_0100_BTY is PYT_0100. Selecting Clip Name will use the full name of the clip as the shot name.


Create Shot - Setup - File System Folders Tab

Create Shot - Preset Setup - File System Folders

Setup the folder structure to be used when creating shot folders on the file system. Shot folders can have as many folders and sub-folders as needed.

Export Dest Folder: This will be the folder plates are exported to when Export Plates is enabled in the Shot Options tab. This folder can be changed by selecting a template folder and clicking Set Export Dest Folder.


Create Shot - Setup - Media Panel Folders Tab

Create Shot - Preset Setup - Media Panel Folders

Setup the folder structure to be used when creating shot folders in the Media Panel. Shot folders can have as many folders and sub-folders as needed.

Clip Dest Folder: This is the folder shot plates will be copied into when creating shot folders. This folder can be changed by selecting a template folder and clicking Set Clip Dest Folder.


Create Shot - Setup - Batch Groups Tab

Create Shot - Preset Setup - Batch Groups

Clip Dest Reel: Reel in batch group that clips will be copied to when creating shots.

Batch Start Frame: Set start frame of each batch to be created.

Additional Batch Naming: Any text to be added to the end of each batch group name

Add Render Node/Write File Node: Select the type of render node to be added to each batch group.

Write File Setup: Write file nodes can be setup here when using write file nodes.


Create Shot - Setup -Write File Setup Tab

Create Shot - Preset Setup - Write File Node

Set options for write file nodes when creating batch groups with write file nodes.


Create Shot - Setup - Desktops Tab

Create Shot - Preset Setup - Desktops

Setup reels in reel group when creating shots as desktops.


Create Shot - Setup - Shot Options Tab

Create Shot - Preset Setup - Shot Options

Choose what will be created for each shot here.

Folders: Creates shot folders in the Media Panel for each shot

Batch Group: Create a batch group for each shot. When this is enabled there are options for adding a batch setup template. This will add the selected batch setup to each shot created. The destination for the created batch group can also be set. Options are for the batch group to be created on the desktop or moved into a new library in the media panel.

Desktop: This will create shots as individual desktops.

System Folders: This will create shot folders on the file system. When enabled plates for each shot can also be exported to the file system. The folder shots get exported to is set in the File System Folders tab.

File System Folders Path: Set a path here using tokens where file system shot folders should be created.



Flame Main Menu -> pyFlame -> Create Shot Setup

Media Hub:

Right-Click in Media Hub -> Create Shot… -> Folders

Right-Click on files in Media Hub -> Create Shot -> Import to Shot

Right-Click on files in Media Hub -> Create Shot -> Import to Shot - All Clips / One Shot

Media Panel:

Right-Click in Media Panel -> Create Shot… -> Folders

Right-Click on clips in Media Panel -> Create Shot… -> Clips to Shot

Right-Click on clips in Media Panel -> Create Shot… -> Clips to Shot - All Clips / One Shot

Right-Click on clips in Media Panel -> Create Shot… -> Custom Shots


Right-Click on selected clips in Timeline -> Create Shot… -> Clips to Shot

Right-Click on selected clips in Timeline -> Create Shot… -> Clips to Shot w/Timeline FX

Right-Click on selected clips in Timeline -> Create Shot… -> Custom Shots